Description: Ministry to children ages 0-3 takes place at Church of the Lamb. We use Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) as our approach to spiritual formation for children. Our formation for Sundays for 0–3 year olds is based on the values of CGS.
Registration: Parents fill out a registration form associated with their child in Breeze. There are paper copies of the form for visitors to fill out.
Personnel: Only screened adults may work in the children’s ministry or nursery. No one under the age of 12 may volunteer. A minimum of two screened and trained adults must provide supervision at all times. Two adults (18 or older) must be in the children’s ministry room at all times.
Unscreened friends or family members of volunteers may not assist in the children’s ministry.
Parents may always have access to their children and attend with their children.
Supervision: On days when worship occurs, the Abide Project Manager, Daniel will ensure that all rooms are fully staffed.
Ratio: In addition to requirements under “Personnel” above, these ratios should apply: No less than one adult per four children in the nursery.
Physical Environment: Windows on children’s ministry doors must not be obstructed. Items are maintained with utmost care and intentionality by staff and volunteers.
Cell Phone Use: Cell phone use is not permitted while working or volunteering in children’s ministry other than in the case of an emergency.
Bathroom Procedure: Parents will be responsible for the restroom and diapering needs and of their children. Parents will be texted during worship to take care of these needs if necessary.
First Aid & Injuries: First Aid kits are located in the worship area. When a child is seriously injured, the incident needs to be reported to the Director of Children’s ministry and the parents of the child immediately.
Reporting Concerns: Concerns about any children’s behavior or methods of discipline should be reported to the Director of Children’s Ministry. Incidents of conflict with parents should also be reported in the same manner.
Discipline: No form of physical discipline is acceptable, including but not limited to spanking, slapping, pinching, or hitting. Children are to be disciplined by removing them from the Atrium or room where formation takes place as a last resort. Adults should try to redirect children first. Only non-physical methods of behavior management should be used.
Release of Children: Adult staff/volunteers will release children only to those adults who are listed in the parental approval list on the child’s registration form.
I certify that I have read the Supervisory Plan for the following event: Sunday morning worship.
I will abide by this plan and report any breach of it to Renee Velker or Daniel Zimmerman.